Who’s who in the Ambient Data Framework

target_audienceMy current project has the ambition to use almost every aspect of the SDL Web suite of products, from plain old Tridion through Audience Manager, SDL Mobile, SmartTarget and finally Campaign Manager – and of course all working via Experience Manager, to provide inline editing and contextual preview.
When looking at how these integrate, all roads lead to… The Ambient Data Framework. SDL provides a number of off-the-shelf cartridges which have varying degrees of mystery – this post aims to clear the mist and describe a little bit more than you get from the docs.

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Using SmartTarget 2011 with the SDL Tridion 2013 SP1

smart target logoThe latest version of SDL Tridion (2013 SP1) is built to work with the latest version of SDL SmartTarget 2014.  2014 does away with the Business Manager interface as it’s now integrated with the CME, so whilst it’s hard to believe anyone wouldn’t wish to upgrade, if there’s some reason you simply cannot and still need to use ST 2011 with Tridion 2013 SP1, here’s how.

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