Caching In: Revisiting Data Sharing across Templates

A while back I wrote a post on using Context Variables as a templating cache. When I came across some requirements to cache data between templates on a recent project I revisited this concept, but found some limitations with Context Variables which I had not realized before. As such I ended up implementing a different approach to caching

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WebSphere 8.5.* Content Delivery Issues


Recently I was involved in the setup of a new content-delivery environment, migrating from a WebSphere 7.* application server to WebSphere 8.5.5. Right away when we started up the application, we started seeing some content-delivery errors with our session preview web-service which we did not experience on WebSphere 7. I’m going to review the problem, and talk about how it was resolved. Continue reading

Translation Manager – would it ever unlocalize something in my translation publication?

Oddly enough, yes it can – in a very specific scenario – of course, this can be avoided with clear processes (or even better automation) with the right hotfix (TT88491: Translation Manager revert retrieved translation for target item in “Reserved state”) but it’s good to know as tracking this down was a real bugger!

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Content Porting – migrating environments without headaches

11qesqWe have a number of environments that we work with and we move data from one environment to another using both the generally available and highly customized Release Manager and, of course, the Content Porter. This post is about what we’ve found that works best in this scenario, and helps us to ensure that the release happens as smoothly as possible.

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Create Fredhopper Trigger Types Programatically

Reading the docs, you would be led to believe that creating Fredhopper triggers was a matter of editing the trigger-types.xml file. It is however also possible to do this programatically – a trick that can come in handy should you not have access to that file on Production, or you wish to manage your triggers through automation.

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