Have an Idea for Tridion Sites 9.1?

My fellow Product Owners for SDL Tridion Sites have an interesting challenge to somehow understand and clarify the top community product ideas to size them for prioritization against everything else that will be in the Tridion Sites 9.1 release (scheduled for after Sites 9, if the version wasn’t clear).

My colleague Rick has been leading this effort and I’m doing my part to point out all the (many) channels we have in the community and ways to solicit feedback. Ironically, it’s hard to get feedback that we can use to actually understand and size a few of these ideas, especially after I’ve noticed everyone seems to have an idea.
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SI4T-Solr 1.2 for Web 8

Looking at code you wrote three years ago can sometimes be a confronting experience. In case of the code I wrote for SI4T, this was no different. After you go through the six stages of debugging and cringe at the aestestics of the code base, the only thing you can do is rewrite the stuff with the knowledge of today and be solaced by the fact that your code is actually used in production environments and not breaking too much.

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Content Porting – migrating environments without headaches

11qesqWe have a number of environments that we work with and we move data from one environment to another using both the generally available and highly customized Release Manager and, of course, the Content Porter. This post is about what we’ve found that works best in this scenario, and helps us to ensure that the release happens as smoothly as possible.

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When Virus Scanning Goes Wrong

Recently I’ve been working with a client that has fairly heavy publishing requirements. The blueprint contains over 300 publications, each containing a couple hundred pages. This means a release with widespread impacts can easily lead to 10-20 thousand published items. Luckily, we’ve scaled out publishing to the point where this ordinarily isn’t a problem. However, we were still noticing intermittent problems with our deployer. These came up in two main ways:

  • Publishing getting stuck in a “throttled state”, even when all other tasks in the queue were either successfully published or waiting for publish
  • The publishing queue showing all publishes stuck on a “ready for transfer state”, even though the files on the file system were being updated

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Exploring ‘Schedule Publish Phases Separately’ Pt. II

Last week I highlighted a sometimes overlooked Tridion feature, the “Schedule Publish Phases Separately” option in the publishing dialogue. In my post I mentioned that one issue I’d noticed with this feature was what happens when the rendering phase of publishing is successful but deployment fails. In situations like this you’re at risk of losing a lot of rendering, and if you were under a time constraint this can be a pretty big inconvenience. However, with some forethought and just a little creativity, you can recover and take advantage of all the rendering you’ve done.
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Reference Implementation HTML design

By now I assume that everybody has had a little play with the SDL Tridion Reference Implementation, which means the questions are rising for sure. So let me start with spilling some of the guts of the HTML design and how that is build when you publish.

To start off, the HTML design is a responsive HTML5 design built Bootstrap, this means that you can adjust it to your own likings following the Bootstrap methodology. This includes building the HTML design with Node.js and Grunt, but let’s start off simple.

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Avoiding publishing embarrassment

kirk douglas rip (not yet!)Today’s story about the People website publishing an obituary of Kirk Douglas death (he’s still very much alive) made me instantly think of two things:

1. It’s amazing these websites have content like this backed-up and ready to go.
2. They should have been using Tridion, there’s a load of ways in which this could have been prevented.

So whilst I’d like to talk more about the content strategy around number 1 (it’s actually quite brilliant and I wonder who else is already written up), I’m going to be talking more how you can save yourself this embarrassment using SDL Tridion.

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Introducing: The SDL Tridion Reference Implementation

tri-logoReleased last week – the first step on a path to lower the barriers (time, cost, knowledge, lack of standardization) of implementing SDL Tridion. In this post I aim to give a short introduction, by highlighting what you should and should not expect from the Reference Implementation.

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